Friday, July 11, 2008

Arts and Crafts!

I had a brilliant idea that it would be really fun to paint my pinball machine. After all, I don't really have anything to lose, and I love to arts and crafts now and again. If it turns out really terrible, I figure I'll just strip the paint and get an Arts student to paint something really cool on it. It's been a couple of weeks since I began(30 bottles of acrylic later...) and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

For some reason I've been through 3 bottles of yellow already. Maybe the secret of aged dirty acrylic is yellowing. It's mildly disturbing though, I have a small container of yellowish looking paint that dries into pink, one that dries into orange, one that dries into white, one that dries into green, and one that dries into yellow (surprise!).


I think the ball wore a path into the game o_O

I'm just kind of ignoring this patch for now... I don't want to take stuff apart to paint, hehe. The last guy who owned this made rubber bumpers out of surgical tubing. How cool is that! I bought replacement rubber parts and replaced all of the rubber except for the surgical tubing. I think it adds to the ghetto feel. Ok, ok, it's not ghetto. Abandoned amusement park?

This is AFTER I cleaned it... wish I had pics from before, hehehe.

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